Book Reviews,  Penguin Publishers

#Review: Where Does It Hurt? by Samina Mishra

Where Does It Hurt?
Author: Samina Mishra
Publisher: Penguinsters

Pain. It’s like a stream of tricking water through the ceiling; the walls will eventually come down. Hence, if not shared, it will transform into a ticking bomb that will explode when you least expect it. ‘Where Does It Hurt?’ serves as an eye opener for children and adults alike, exposing them to the harsh truth that pain or grief need not be bottled within, for it can rob the spirit of the zeal!

With beautiful illustrations depicting short scenarios, this book explains how asking someone about where it hurts can initiate the process of healing. Although the children’s book aspires to foster empathy by teaching young readers to ask others where it hurts, it falls short in its execution. The examples provided, while well-intentioned, sometimes sacrifice practical life wisdom in an attempt to encourage kindness. This approach, instead of equipping children with nuanced understanding, risks oversimplifying complex situations where empathy alone may not always be the appropriate or complete response.

Despite the practical flaw, I liked how the genuity of the writer’s intentions leaves a mark on children and adults alike. Asking about pain or grief helps in relieving the stress and that’s possibly the first step towards making children compassionate.

Find this book here.

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