Book Review: A Murder in Mussoorie and Other Tales by Ruskin Bond
A Murder in Mussoorie and Other Tales
Author: Ruskin Bond
Publisher: Rupa Publishers
Rating: 3/5

Who doesn’t know about Ruskin Bond’s love for nature, especially the mountains? With that said, it wouldn’t take rocket science to figure out the theme of the book titled ‘A Murder in Mussoorie and Other Tales’. The book is a collation of stories by Ruskin Bond, some true and some fictional. The common element of all stories is the mighty Himalayas in the backdrop. Another commonality that is evident is the mention of Rudyard Kipling in each story.
Rudyard Kipling was a British man who lived and wrote in India. It is strange how Bond’s connection with India also seems ambivalent because of his origin. Sharing the same love nature, Ruskin Bond often commemorates the writings of Kipling by quoting his stories or making him a part of his story. A Murder in Mussoorie and Other Tales also has a collection of stories that have a mention of Kipling in them. For instance, The Kipling Road is a story about a pathway in Shimla that is called by this name. It is still unclear whether Kipling actually passed through that road or not.
The highlight of the book is ‘Time Stops at Shamli’ as that story describes the adrenaline rush to spend time in an unknown place. Ruskin Bond beautifully describes the unimpeded view across the barren muddy land and also talks about lost love. In another story, the first one, the readers might enjoy the mystery that comes along with recondite information. The language is simple yet evocative. With delectable expressions that help bring nature to life in the pages of this book, readers are sure to enjoy this collection of short stories.
Overall, this is a light read. Every story will take you on a virtual journey into the mountains where the lush green vegetation will seem inviting and the cool breeze will blow away the cobwebs! Refreshing and entertaining, this book is a good bet for this lockdown period.
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