Book Review: An Atheist Gets the Gita by Rahul Singh and Galyna Kogut
An Atheist Gets the Gita
Authors: Rahul Singh and Galyna Kogut
Publisher: Rupa Publications
Rating: 4/5
After having read Everday Gita by Sunita Pant, An Atheist Gets the Gita just aids the understanding of the spiritual text. For a person who doesn’t believe in the existence of Gods, understanding the Gita might seem like a challenge, for he/ she might question all the time. An Atheist Gets the Gita was probably born as a solution to this problem. Two gentlemen take on this humongous task of making the readers understand the essence of the Gita and its applicability in real-life.
The rendezvous between Anveshak Jigyanshu and Charan Saket leads to an understanding of a path that can lead to true happiness. While Anveshak is an atheist and doesn’t believe in following anything blindly, Charan decides to do the handholding for the former and delve deeper into the limitless world of philosophy. What couldn’t hold my attention for long was the verbose narrative that incorporated all the terms from the original text. The explanation is palatable, like that about the embodied soul and liberated soul or Garbha Upanishad that has a detailed account of the development of the foetus. The problem I faced was with the terms. I couldn’t remember them. And the more I tried to focus, the more I lost interest. Nevertheless, I cannot deny that the book is well-suited for the likes of those who believe that the scriptures are static and cannot be applicable in today’s world.
Overall, An Atheist Gets the Gita is a wonderful confluence of knowledge and wisdom. It needs patience and of course, inclination towards this subject to be devoured in its entirety. Well-researched and well-articulated using fiction as a medium, this book is sure to help everyone in the long run!
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