#Review: Dharma Yogi by Ravi S. & Ananth
Dharma Yoga
Authors: Ravi Swaminathan and Ananth
Publisher: Rupa Publications
Rating: 4/5
Yoga forms the essence of our being. It not only offers physical and emotional benefits but also helps one get into the practice of meditating and maintaining calm within a chaotic mind. Dharma Yoga is an attempt to enlighten all those who seek knowledge about Hinduism, its roots/ origin, its guiding principles and the beliefs that come along with it. India is the heart of yoga. Therefore, it is only essential to understand what comprises a dharma yogi, isn’t it?
Divided into 6 Khandas, this book introduces the readers to Dharma Yoga, a style of yoga that blends Hatha Yoga with several other types and yogic philosophies. It then helps the readers understand the purpose and relevance of Vikriti (doshas) that govern the holistic healing process. Anushtanam (daily practice/ routine) forms one of the sections while Teertha Sthana includes stories of all deities and the ethos revolving around each one of them. It’s comprehensive, yes. Yet it’s satisfying to get this type of information about the world’s oldest religion- Hinduism.
Dharma Yoga cannot be read in a single sitting; there’s so much information to assimilate. It’s simple and reaches out to the readers in a way that creates a conducive environment for retrospection. Hence, it’s a good bet if you’re really interested in reading about mythology and spiritual philosophy.
Best wishes to the authors!
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