Book Review: Ganesha by Syd K.
Author: Syd K
Publisher: Half Baked Beans Publishers
Rating: 3.5/5
“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.”
― Oscar Wilde

Our actions speak louder than words and despite that, we fail to understand that our morally ambiguous character will destroy us all in the long run. ‘Ganesha’ is not a philosophical book; it is a story of a hybrid elephant who fights tooth and nail to combat every trouble in his life. It is a story that inspires us to be strong, believe in what is right and bond well with the ones we love.
Just like how a Wildlife Series is narrated on National Geographic or Discovery channel, the narrative of the book for the first few chapters is quite taut. Right from the description of how Elephants mate to how Ganesha was conceived has been illustrated with the help of succinct terms. Even though this description seemed unnecessary, yet it was binding. It takes some time for the character of Ganesha to seep into the mind and heart, for his story only begins when he is crestfallen and is at a point of no return. Born as a crossbreed to an African mother and an Asian father, Ganesha grows with his herd but is soon separated and taken to the wilderness of the Indian subcontinent. His only ally in the strange new land is One-eyed (his pal from the herd). The story progresses briskly as Ganesha comes face-to-face with Maari, the vicious poacher in the area, and together with one-eyed, he makes some new friends and foes as well.
With a refreshing approach to the genre of fiction, the author’s research and knowledge about the animals in the wild is appreciable. I loved the vocabulary used.
Overall, Ganesha is not only about the struggle of an animal but it also tells a tale about the bond of love and trust shared between a human and an animal. The story acts as a subtle reminder of our actions; the actions that are making our bond become frail day by day.
Best wishes to the author!
Buying Link: Amazon