Book Review: Honesty for sale- Live Evil Vol. 1 by Koushik K R
Honesty for sale- Live Evil Vol. 1
Author: Koushik K R
Rating: 3.5/5
‘Honesty for sale’ is a modern-day thriller that revolves around the role of technology in tuning and shaping the lives of individuals. It delves deep into the fine precedents of politics, intelligence agencies and the vigilante cyber citizens. In order to decode the mystery inside this action-packed package, grab your copy.
My opinion
Strong plot, stronger characters and the strongest setting- is all that it takes to describe this novella. ‘Honesty for sale’ is a state of the art of thriller/ mystery novellas. The cover of the book seems stodgy but when the pages are turned, an overall new energy and enthusiasm grip your soul.
Talking about the technical aspects, the cover could have been made more intense. The blurb is catchy. The typesetting and organization of the content if fine.
The plot is strong (like I said before) but there is one weak point- the shortest ever dialogues, which may baffle the readers. Had the conversation been more refined, proper justice would have been done with the story/ book. Yet again, my personal grudge for the use of Hindi words continues. Time and again one can feel disengaged from the plot as it will take immense concentration and solitude for connecting with the story. So definitely this book cannot be classified as a light read.
The editing lacks cleansing (in a figurative way). But this is a great head start and a sincere attempt made by the author; it leaves the readers wanting for more.
Best wishes to the author!
There are some punctuation errors and at several places, n unnecessary comma has been used. Short dialogues may confuse the readers.
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