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lang="en-GB"> #Review: How and Why Tales by Geeta Ramanujam – Lavender Orchids
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#Review: How and Why Tales by Geeta Ramanujam

How and Why Tales
Author: Geeta Ramanujam
Publisher: Penguisters

Curated by Geeta Ramanujam, this collection of folk tales offers a whimsical and enriching journey into the magical mysteries of nature and the universe. From the enchanting melodies of nightingales singing at night to the intriguing formation of the Moon’s craters, each story captivates the reader with its blend of fantasy and folklore. The inclusion of diverse settings, such as the Pamir Knot, the Ottoman Empire in Turkey, and the icy expanse of Greenland, adds a layer of geographical and cultural exploration that enhances the storytelling experience.

One of the book’s significant strengths is its ability to weave together tales from various traditions with Ramanujam’s unique narratives, providing a fresh and imaginative take on classic folklore. The richly illustrated stories are a visual delight, bringing each tale to life and making them especially appealing to young readers. The vibrant and engaging illustrations make the book a feast for the eyes and the mind.

However, while the book is beautifully crafted, some stories may feel rushed, with a few plotlines that could benefit from more development. This minor flaw does not detract significantly from the overall charm and educational value of the collection.

The book’s suitability for children lies in its ability to ignite curiosity and wonder about the natural world and different cultures. The tales are easy to understand and filled with moral lessons subtly woven into the narrative, making them both entertaining and informative. Parents and educators will appreciate the book’s potential to stimulate discussions about nature, geography, and cultural diversity.

In summary, Geeta Ramanujam’s collection of folk tales is a delightful addition to any child’s bookshelf. Its blend of enchanting stories, stunning illustrations, and educational value makes it an excellent choice for young readers eager to explore the mysteries of the world.

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