#Review: It’s Time to Rhyme by Shobha Tharoor Srinivasan
It's Time to Rhyme Author: Shobha Tharoor Srinivasan Publisher: Aleph Book Company
One of my recent favourites is It’s Time to Rhyme because of its practical usage and relevant skill teaching methodology. It’s Time to Rhyme comprises several poems, each an example of a poetic form. The author has explored a creative way to introduce different poetic forms like the sonnet, limerick, diamante, acrostic, etc. Each section has two poems- one that explains the form and structure of the poem and another as an example. As a student, I never quite understood the different poetic forms just by merely reading the definition. Hence, I always ended up googling videos and simpler explanations. This book is an interesting way to introduce these forms to the students. Hence, try this out!
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