No Longer Caged
Author: Vibha Nasheen
Publisher: Author Paradise
Rating: 3.5/5
‘No Longer Caged’ is a story that revolves around Nakul, who is differently abled. Verbally not very strong, the character of Nakul shapes well with his writing skills. The clichéd ideology of everyone leaving your side when you have a disadvantage is showcased in this story when all the near and dear ones of Nakul abscond. It is only in Rishabh’s friendship where Nakul finds solace. But a sudden turn of events makes Nakul stop dead in the tracks. He is jailed and when he is no longer caged, the last gift from his dear friend is what actually releases him from the chains (figuratively).
The character sketch has been done right but lacks depth. The cover of the book is catchy and suits the storyline. The title is apt. The proofreading is good, font/style/quality is good.
Good effort done by the author.
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