Postcards from memory
Poet: Samir Satan
Genre: Poetry collection
Publishers: FirstStep Publishing
Coming to the technicalities of the writing, the poems are easy and short. The main style followed in the majority of the poems is free verse. ‘She goes’, ‘Coffee’ and ‘Wild child’ are three poems that I could actually relate to. Coffee is something that is an inevitable part of a majority of the people. The poet has brought out the intricate details of the feelings and emotions felt while savouring the aroma of this drink. ’She goes’ portrays the raw frenzied emotions of someone who is waiting desperately. And last but not the least, ‘Wild Child’ is a showcase of free will and dreams. However, some of the poems are more like stories, summarized in one-liners and put as poems. Secondly, the typesetting and the font used is not apt. The standard Arial or Bookman Antiqua style would have been better.
Overall, a light read and enjoyable work of literature!
Best wishes to the poet!
Buying Link: Amazon