#Review: Help! My Aai Wants to Eat Me by Bijal Vachharajani
Help! My Aai Wants to Eat Me
Author: Bijal Vachharajani
Publisher: Penguin Books
Children have a vivid imagination. Their carefree mind is like a sponge; they absorb everything that’s poured into their mind and that, in return, gives wings to their thoughts. Based on a similar idea, Help! My Aai Wants to Eat Me is a funny story about Avi and his weird understanding of stressful mothers. When Avi is made to watch a movie in school in which bears are shown to eat their babies, he is taken aback, for he isn’t able to come to grips with the fact that mothers can actually EAT their BABIES!
Things align in such a way at the homefront that he is made to believe that his aai wants to gobble him up. It becomes worse when his aai falls sick and he is hit by pangs of guilt that force him to sacrifice himself. It’s funny how Avi’s mind works. It’s also interesting to know that children can be so deeply affected by the smallest things! Using a funny narrative that’s laced by sound words, the author accomplishes the task of delivering an enjoyable story. Avi’s character is adorable. His inquisitive nature makes his character come alive. This one is a book to treasure!
Definitely go for it!
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