Book Review: The Text by Claire Douglas
The Text
Author: Claire Douglas
Publisher: Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited (India)
Rating: 2/5
PS: This is going to be a short review, for the book itself consists of merely 36 pages!

The Text by Claire Douglas is a story of how a text message can turn the table against you and how words can lead you into trouble. Emily Latimer is a young, enthusiastic woman who abhors her boss, Andrew, because he is a bully. He denies her ‘weekend off’ and thus begins her tryst with fate. In a fit of rage, Emily sends a message wishing that her boss was dead to her boyfriend. Unfortunately, her fingers deny to oblige and the message is sent to three of her friends. The same day, Andrew is murdered. It wouldn’t take rocket science to figure out what happens next. An unsolved murder mystery, dishonest friends, abusive relationship and a killer on the loose- all these form the premise of the story.
In mere 36 pages, the author tries her best to wind up the plot tying all the loose ends. In a way, it is worth appreciation. Yet, the story lacks lustre. The characters appear as mere caricatures, especially Stuart. Overall, this is a quick read but might fail to satisfy your reading buds!
Best wishes to the author!
Buying Link: Amazon