Walks Through Life
Author: Santhosh K. Komaraju
Publisher: Notion Press
Rating: 4/5

Life is a journey that is difficult and often very cruel. Knowing that we cannot hold life by the hair, humility and the willingness to learn are the only two ways that will enable you to survive the vicissitudes (J. K. Rowling). ‘Walks Through Life’ is a walk through the process of self-discovery. It consists of short stories that are didactic in nature and leave behind a lesson for life once they have been read.
Inspired by the lessons taught by the Hindu mythology, this book uses lucid and easy language to convey what it intends. While reading the stories, I was reminded of the Panchatantra stories that often had the mention of a mystical forest, a powerful king, grandparents’ warnings and the quest to discover self.
Read the complete review here.
Best wishes to the author!
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