#Review: What is Spiritual About Being Punctual? by Ramesh Bijlani
What is Spiritual About Being Punctual?
Author: Ramesh Bijlani
Publisher: Rupa Publication
Rating: ⅘
Punctuality is one of the key life values because if you know the importance and art of being on time, you would not only respect others’ time but also value their presence. Hence, when I read the blurb of this book, I was enticed by the idea of understanding how spirituality and punctuality blend in the long run!
What is Spiritual About Being Punctual? stresses Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy of ‘All life is yoga’. Knowing that experience is higher than any philosophy or mental knowledge, the author proves how spirituality can be incorporated not only in the way we think but also in what we do. Hence, every aspect of life, be it gambling, love, lust, anger, administration, abstinence or marriage, money, relationship or leadership, is governed by our choices. And those choices can, of course, lead us on the path to spirituality. What’s the eventual outcome of this all? You might ask. Well, spirituality offers peace, purpose and perseverance along with the ability to have better relationships and better growth/success.
What is Spiritual About Being Punctual? is a short read; there are 30 short essays and the catch is their relevance and logical approach. It’s interesting to read how the concepts of abstinence and adoption have been dealt with. Overall, this book is enlightening for sure. Though not all might see eye to eye with what the author has to say.
Best wishes to the author!
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