Book Review: Beyond the Blinding Sun by Jayanta G. Borpujari
Beyond the Blinding Sun
Author: Jayanta G. Borpujari
Publisher: Rumour Books India
Rating: 3/5
Beyond the Blinding Sun seemed like a perfect allegory of the tumultuous journey of the immigrants into the foreign lands. With just enough number of characters, this story about love, betrayal, pretence and revenge is going to leave the readers thirsty for more. I would especially like to mention that the large font and the standard printing quality further urged me to give this book a try!
Beyond the Blinding Sun is a story of three people from different walks of life who end up together in Oman. Their quest to eke out a living by burning the midnight oil in a new surrounding doesn’t really reap any benefits, for they are soon sucked into the political bigotry and the tsunami of rumours that blemish their reputation. Fearful of ever being free, the central characters take up the onus of pulling down the facade of labour and respect.
Gripping and smooth, the writing is taut and impressive. The narrative is quite simple. The only part it dangles is the purpose behind the concept. There is no doubt that the author deftly brings out the importance of the adage-a light purse is a heavy curse- true and makes us understand the plight of these characters who wanted to see their dream taking a form. The indifferent behaviour meted out to them often evokes empathy but nothing more. If the focus of the story was supposed to be the poor condition of the immigrants, then the narrative could not justify the purpose. Secondly, the thriller lacked action. This might be a personal preference but I like thrillers that have action along with the twists and turns. Hence, the plot was nice but the execution lacked spice!
Overall, Beyond the Blinding Sun definitely impresses you with the cover, the writing and the ‘font’ but if you are an avid reader of crime and thriller, then this will be just a notch up the benchmark.
Best wishes to the author!
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